Just back from the AmsterdamJS conference, the first conference on javaScript based in Amsterdam.

There I gave a talk on the energy efficiency of progressive web apps (PWAs). PWAs are a new technology introduced by Google that aims at bridging this gap, with a set of APIs known as service workers at its core. In this talk I presented an empirical study that evaluates the impact of service workers on the energy efficiency of PWAs, when operating in different network conditions on two different generations of mobile devices. This talk presents the results of the first empirical investigation on PWAs, showing that the PWA and service workers technology is promising in terms of energy efficiency.

Here you can find the slides of the talk:

The fantastic team behind this scientific experiment is:

Here you can download the scientific paper on which the talk is based on: https://www.ivanomalavolta.com/files/papers/Mobilesoft_2017.pdf.